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Writer's pictureShane Mahabir

FBI arrests Kris Roglieri for wire fraud, faces 20 years in prison

Updated: Jun 6, 2024


UPDATE: June 6th. Five months before his arrest on wire fraud charges, text messages show Kris Roglieri was expecting to get in trouble with the feds, according to a Times Union report. Roglieri, according to federal prosecutors, was texting with a confidant just days after New Year’s.

“Can’t you just keep working on those companies?” the person texted Roglieri on Jan. 4. “I know it might be hard at first, but look at what you built this up to from nothing.”

“Yea I can but not when I’m in f---in prison,” Roglieri responded.

“Why do you think that’s gonna happen?” the person responds. “Why can’t it just be a bankruptcy?”

“Because I (used) others money to fund deals,” Roglieri responds. “I already told you this.”

“And that’s illegal?” the person replies.

“Yes,” Roglieri responds.

“It’s a civil case, not criminal,” the person texts back.

“It will turn criminal as soon as they get into bank statements,” Roglieri texted. “They will bring in the feds. Once they figure it out.”

UPDATE: In a hearing on Monday, June 3rd, the court has denied release for Kris Roglieri because he is 'a danger to the community'. The Defense also waives the preliminary hearing at this time. A public defender now represents Mr. Roglieri since he doesn't have the financial capability to pay attorneys.

kris roglieri
Kris Roglieri leaving court hearing

Just a few days after a Bankruptcy court ruled the remaining assets of Kris Roglieri could be seized to pay over $ 3 million in debts, the FBI arrested him for wire fraud. It was really just a matter of time given the accusations of the case, the bankruptcy proceedings, and the lack of valid excuses in the public sphere.

According to the criminal complaint in USA v Kris Roglieri, the deal that gave the FBI basis for probable cause was with 1800 Park Avenue LLC where Prime Capital was to provide them with an approximately $98 million line of credit with an interest credit account(ICA) payment of $5 million, even though Prime asked for $10 million.

1800 Park Avenue LLC was not aware that Prime Capital was going through a forced Bankruptcy proceeding at the time stemming from not fulfilling lines of credit deals with previous clients for millions of dollars.

In short, the line of credit funds were never sent to 1800 Park Avenue LLC, they found out Prime was going through this bankruptcy proceeding, they requested their payment back, and it still has not been returned.

I dive more into the criminal complaint, the facts of the case, and more in the video above.


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