(1), Count(s) 1 are dismissed on the motion of the US; Pleaded guilty to Count(s) 1s, Imprisonment for a total term of 15 months. Supervised release for a term of 3 Year.
The court makes the following recommendations to the Bureau of Prisons: That consistent with the policies of the BOP, the Bureau of Prisons that he be designated to Ottisville or as close to the NY metropolitan area as possible. The defendant shall surrender for service of sentence at the institution designated by the Bureau of Prisons as notified by the US Marshal. Special Assessment of $100 which is due immediately. Restitution of $921,594.75 and Fine of $25,000.00.
As more fully set forth in the order of restitution so ordered 12/11/2024, the defendant shall pay restitution $921,594.75 in monthly installments beginning the first day of the second month after the defendant's release from custody. Each monthly payment shall be equal to the sum of the Earned Income Amount and the Other Income Amount. The term Earned Income means remuneration for personal services.
The term Other Income means revenues from all other sources other than public assistance and unemployment insurance compensation. The term Earned Income Amount is defined as 15 percent of your Earned Income, up to $5,000, plus 45 percent of Earned Income in excess of $5,000, for the preceding month. The term Other Income Amount is defined as 80 percent of your Other Income for the preceding month.
(Signed by Judge Lewis A. Kaplan on 12/12/24)(jw) (Entered: 12/12/2024)