I have a $100M commission payout opportunity if you can simply intro me to a fund.
THE OFFER - I work with a tax credit firm (for a $500B gov funded tax credit) on pace to do $20 billion in volume.. that needs a fund to provide advances for their clients' tax credits. 37% ROI opportunity for the fund.
We're willing to work with multiple funds, so you can make multiple intros.
COMPENSATION - You'd receive 0.5% of total volume hence the $100M payout, all we need is intros to anyone that shows initial interest (no heavy lifting required on your end)
If interested, please let me know and I'll share our pitch deck and executive summary with you, along with anything else you require to verify our legitimacy.
PS: We've already had millions committed and barely started pitching this recently to our network of funds
James, I'm interested in learning more about your pitch deck and executive summary.
Tim Laudan, tlaudan@flexcapsolutions.com
Hi James, can you send us details to diana@ontapcap.com
Hi James,
we are interested, can you send us more info to info@wefundeasy.com
Hi James, thanks for sharing. I think the initial reaction is how legit is this? Anything else you can provide that would help with that question? Before someone makes an intro is there a referral agreement that will be signed?